Confidence for all ages: Tips to develop confidence while you get older
Last week an intranet post from one of my former colleagues at got my attention. We have a special community for women, and she posted this link to an article about how a tweet resulted in an positive avalanche of personal stories and feedback.
The tweet is from television writer and producer Melissa Hunter. She was somehow tired of all the 30 under 30 lists. She asked - how about middle-aged people having their break-troughs after reaching the magic 40? She struck a nerve. She didn‘t receive only a couple of answers, but a lot. Personal stories from mothers who started a writing career on the side, people starting their own business at age 50 plus or going back to university. It was so inspiring.
Not only, because it is great to see that people finally followed their dreams or ambitions, but also because I think confidence is connected to age.
Aging with confidence - what you need to know
Some are born with a healthy level of confidence. Others build confidence like you would build a house: brick by brick. It was this way for me. I had to get a little bit older to gain confidence. For me confidence and self-esteem came with projects I finished with a success or where I had to come out of my comfort zone. Each success was a new stone in my confidence wall.
Work against loss of confidence while aging: build your confidence wall
To build your wall, it helps to recognize the actual successes, to accept that you did well and to enjoy the compliments that you got from others. Have you ever tried to write a confidence diary? You might read about journaling and making notes about the things you are thankful for each evening. This is an awesome method. Include the things you are proud of each day. Could be small things and don‘t worry about repeating yourself (it helps to say good job to yourself several times). This helps with loss of confidence while aging.
Day by day you will see what you are capable of. And after you did it for some weeks you will see your confidence wall getting higher and more solid. The wall will help you in the future! If somehow a thing went wrong, you still have the rest of the wall. Don‘t focus on the one brick that has a crack - focus on the 999 which are perfect. Your wall is not tumbling down just because one brick is not flawless.
You cannot be too old to follow your heart
Don’t lose confidence in your 40 ties. The article was an eye opener and should motive you that it is never too late to try out something new and that you are never too old to follow your heart. (Hint: I am also not in my blooming 30-ties anymore. So, how about that? Here I am starting a website and writing a book.).
Let nothing come between you and your idea. Find people who are supporting you and lifting you up. Exclude the critics and the pessimists. Just do it. I believe in you and your confidence.